Hi! I’m Joost de Valk, an internet entrepreneur from the Netherlands.
I’m the founder of Yoast. I have a long history in digital marketing as well as WordPress. I’m married to Marieke, who was Yoast’s CEO until we sold it in 2021. Marieke and I have four children together and now run Emilia Capital together.

Marieke and I invest in companies in the digital space through our company Emilia Capital. You can check out our investments here or get in touch if you want us to invest in your company!
I founded Yoast in 2010, after working in several different companies as a digital marketing consultant. I’ve worked on some of the biggest SEO projects in the world, like the site migration of the Guardian from .co.uk to theguardian.com.
The Yoast SEO plugin, that I started as a hobby, became Yoast’s main product and is currently active on more than 13 million websites.